Capt Ron’s Blog

What Puts the Fear in Fear of Flying?

What Puts the Fear in Fear of Flying?

Our new poll “What’s the Scariest Part of Flying” has been up on for about a month.  Almost 900 people have voted.  Many more people have looked at the choices of the poll and have apparently been too afraid to even enter their opinion.  ...

Flying with a Fearful Flyer Friend

Flying with a Fearful Flyer Friend

My friend Windy is flying tomorrow, and I’m afraid for her.  I’m not afraid that her plane will crash.  No, I know that flying is the safest way to travel on the planet.  I’m afraid she’ll have a horrible flight because she’s flying with a friend who has a fear of...

Do Fatality Rates Drive Your Fear of Flying?

Do Fatality Rates Drive Your Fear of Flying?

People who are afraid to fly all have something in common, a fear of crashing.  They ask:  What’s my chance of dying?  When I saw an article about fatality rates on the front page of today’s Arizona Republic, I thought of all our visitors who worry...

The Crashing Side of Flying

The Crashing Side of Flying

People who are afraid to fly like to dwell on airplane crashes.  Imagine that! Okay, so yes, I’ll admit it.  Airplanes do crash.  But the likelihood of it happening to the one you’re on is pretty slim.  The latest airplane crash statistics show that your kid has a...

Top 10 Worries Besides Fear of Flying

Top 10 Worries Besides Fear of Flying

Once you’re over your fear of flying, your trips can be like the kind former fearful flyer Rochell just emailed me about.  Rochell just flew from Sydney to Hong Kong, her first overseas flight in 8 years! “Am pleased to report that I had the best experience ever! I...

Leaving Fear of Flying Worries Behind

Leaving Fear of Flying Worries Behind

People with a fear of flying tend to spend a lot of time worrying about things that can go wrong.  I like to call them the “what if’s” of fear of flying: What if we crash? What if the plane’s too heavy to get off the ground? What if there’s turbulence and the plane...

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