About FearlessFlight

I was so moved after my first experience with fearful flyers that it was like I was compelled to continue.  It came as a surprise initially that anyone would be afraid to fly, but after 31+ years of working to help people overcome their fear of flying I know just how real the fear is. 

It is extremely fulfilling and rewarding to see people move through their fear to a point where they can more comfortably fly to visit relatives, take exotic vacations, and accept promotions that otherwise would have been out of reach due to the travel requirements. 

What’s even more gratifying is hearing insights as to how fear of flying was a symptom of other self-imposed limits in their lives that disappeared once they overcame their fear of flying.


Fear of flying is NOT about flying or airplanes.  It is, however, uniquely triggered by experiences related to both.  The problem lies in ourLimbic system, the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response in the body.  Success comes through changing the quality and content of one’s thinking about flying. 

We accomplish that by helping you find insights into the way you process your thoughts about flying.  Therefore, teaching facts about how airplanes fly and de-mystify and de-mythologize how flight works helps to remove the irrational fears that come from the many unfamiliar sights, sounds, and sensations that are inherent on a routine flight.  In addition, we employ special mindfulness techniques and tools to transform “obsessive thought loops” — those vicious circles that can spiral into panic attacks.


Here at Capt Ron’s Fearlessflight.com we offer classes, coaching and a variety of self-directed tools to help you learn to manage and overcome your fear of flying.
In over 31+ years of helping thousands of fearful flyers like you, we have found that the fear of flying can be overcome in a three step process which we call the FearlessFlight® Method.
The FearlessFlight® Method incorporates the 3 Core Elements into an easy-to-learn framework, so you can you fly with confidence, in the shortest time possible.

The 3 Core Elements are:

  1. The Psychology of Fear of Flying — Understanding fear and how your brain hijacks your emotions.
  2. The Principles of Flight — Separating the facts from the myths about airplanes and flying.
  3. The Tools and Strategies for Successful Coping — Learning and applying what works to master your fear of flying.
We believe that education, sharing personal experiences, mindfulness, simulation, coaching, and practice will get you to fly with confidence.
We have helped thousands of people conquer their fear, and it starts with a Free Class or a free 15-min Coaching call with Capt Ron. 


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