Maybe you have been to one of our free classes in Phoenix, or maybe you just found your way to this blog post by searching for fear of flying classes in your area.
Either way, I am glad you are here.
In over 3 decades of helping many thousands of fearful flyers like yourself, find their wings again and fly worry-free, I have found that those who are ready for the next steps are those actively looking for relief, and more importantly, a solution.
I have been teaching classes at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport since 1987 and the classes you are going to read about, represent the absolute best way to get over your fear of flying the fastest, except maybe hiring me to fly with you in in what I call my Elite Custom Coaching Program.
I created this post and the video below to answer some of the most common questions about our Cleared for Takeoff 201 Advanced fear of flying class. If you are afraid to fly and suffer from anticipatory anxiety, please watch the video and/or read on.

The Cleared for Takeoff 201 Class is a “how to” skills, techniques and strategies class.
It’s what you need to know to build a flight plan to gain the confidence that you won’t have to worry about anxiety or panic attacks the next time you fly.
You need this class because you’ve become sick and tired of being sick and tired of the disappointment and dread every time you think about flying!
And you’ve tried everything!
It doesn’t matter whether you fly regularly, you use to fly and something changed, OR maybe you’ve never ever flown and you just don’t know what to expect.
Further into this post, you will also learn about special bonuses that we created for you so that this truly is the peak experience that you need and deserve it to be!
Not everybody who lands here is ready for a solution…..but, I’ve found that anyone who’s ready and lands here and comes to the class (in-person or our online classes), finds a solution!
So, the first and most obvious question is
“What do I get for my money?”
Past attendees tell us that one of the biggest benefits right from the start is meeting other fearful flyers and realizing that they are not alone.
And you get me, Capt Ron and my long-time friend and fellow captain,Eric Larsen. Together, we’ll share our combined more than 80 years of experience to deliver over 4 hours of comprehensive information about airplanes, flying, and how to manage your thoughts and emotions in a safe and relaxed classroom environment setting.
While I am retired, as you may know from our weekly LIVE Shows, Capt Eric is an active pilot for the world’s largest airline and keeps me honest adding both insider operational knowledge as well as his fun-loving humor to the class.
So, in detail you get…
4 HOURS of Classroom Instruction with Capt Ron and Capt Eric
Our Proven FearlessFlight® Method and Tools
All you need to be 100% prepared for all stages of your flight!
That includes TSA, Gate, Boarding, Door closing, Turbulence, etc
The Confidence that you can manage your anxiety
The tools to Recognize, Regulate & Replace your triggers that cause your anxiety
The Confidence airplanes and flying are safe
A ‘Mock Flight’ experience to prepare you step-by-step for flying
You’ll experience a Mock Flight that will help you understand and anticipate the normal sights, sounds, and sensations of a routine flight.
You’ll get all the tools and strategies you need to have the confidence for your next flight.
…including information about
the TSA and how we protect you, insider information about early boarding, strategies for coping with claustrophobia when the cabin door is closed, how to ward off anticipatory anxiety when worrying about turbulence, and much, much more.
Basically, you get everything we learned that works, in over 32 years giving fearful flyers their wings back!
On top of all this, we’re adding THREE Bonuses to help insure you succeed when you fly!
We are waiving the tuition for the optional 301 Flight Class for you for which we have charged $197 in the past.
Here are the details:
Your Bonus Includes CFT301 Tuition ONLY!*
FREE parking at the hotel
Includes Airport Transfer
Pre-Flight Briefing
In-Flight Support
Post-Flight Debrief
Certificate of Completion
Mind you that this bonus is only VALID ONLY SAME DAY AS CLASS!
Future CFT201 VIP Discount Rate
That means you can come back to the class anytime you want for just a 197 dollars!
Yes, you can re-take the CFT 201 Class Anytime
Your special Alumni Pricing never expires!
And on top of it, it also includes Bonus #1 for any class that you are re-taking.
All of that guarantees you Long-Term Success, and that’s what this class and FearlessFlight® is all about!
When you purchase the Cleared for Takeoff 201 Class, you are automatically invited to attend an optional and informal
“Meet Your Captain and the FearlessFlight® Crew Q&A”
social gathering on Friday, before class in the evening at the same location as the class.
We have offered these socials, which are a lot of fun and highly informative before and valued it at $97 dollars. When you sign up for class however, you will be able to attend for free, if you can.
So, here is Why You Should Attend:
Because this is a big deal to you and we want you to feel as comfortable as you can with your FearlessFlight® Crew and your class experience.
You will also have a chance to meet your fellow classmates.
Social Collaboration is one of the three tenants of the FearlessFlight® Method and this is an easy and relaxed way to find out what you have all in common.
Now, it’s important to note that this is NOT a prerequisite for the class!
We will however provide you with great company, interesting aviation stories, tid-bits about your class and the flight the next day.
These socials are a lot of fun and joining us may be especially useful for you
if are planning to arrive from out of town,
want to have a chance to connect on a more personal level or
are very anxious about the class and flight the next day.
So, there you have it.
It is literally everything you need to get over your fear of flying!
We have a list of other frequently asked questions on our Cleared for Takeoff 201 Class Page. Click on this link or the button below to get to the information page of the next upcoming Cleared for Takeoff 201 Class in Phoenix.
Or, click here when we will be conducting our next class in the LA area.
Lastly, I want to talk about the cost of the class and the real cost for you not to choose to attend.
Let me reassure you, I am aware that your decision coming to the class involves both time and money on your part.
You may be sitting here thinking…
“That’s all great Capt Ron, but I don’t know if it will work for me!”
“I don’t know, it’s a lot of money, what if it doesn’t work for me. I don’t want to waste my time and money!”
Helping people such as yourself successfully since 1987, none of these or similar themed thoughts are surprising to me.
In fact, I have come to expect and appreciate them.
I also know that while it may be interesting to you that Capt Eric and I spent over 41,000 flying hours in a cockpit flying airplanes, it doesn’t do much for the part in your brain that’s afraid.
I am inviting you briefly to remember the cost of deferring or maybe even procrastinating, out of fear that you are not ready.
the toll that your fear of flying had on you,
your loved-ones
and perhaps even your career?
How many fun family vacations have you had to miss because of your fear of flying?
What other meaningful life events could you not be there for, or be there as a nervous wreck because you were already dreading the flight back?
My heart goes out to you, if any of this applies to you and I am here to reassure that there is help available for you and that you can and will overcome your anxiety when you take this class and practice the tools and strategies we teach you in this class.
So, feel the fear and do it anyway.
Sign up, reach out to us and be ready for your life to take flight with more ease and calm than you can currently imagine!
I hope to see you in one over our upcoming classes!
Capt Ron