Afraid to Fly or Afraid to Swim

Afraid to Fly or Afraid to Swim

Most people who come to us for help overcoming their fear of flying have issues with takeoffs or turbulence.  That’s why we’ve posted helpful articles on about  turbulence and takeoffs. Occasionally people have experienced a bad landing that stuck...
Fear of Flying Worse Than Before?

Fear of Flying Worse Than Before?

Is your fear of flying getting better or worse?  After the successful outcome of the Miracle on the Hudson Flight,  I posted a poll on Fearless to take the fear of flying “temperature” of site visitors.   Presumably the visitors are fearful flyers.  Since...
Fear of Flying or Fear of Dying

Fear of Flying or Fear of Dying

Our website at Fearless has the capability to track fear of flying keyword searches people make to end up here.  I look at them occasionally, hoping to come up with new ideas for this blog. Today I noticed Google keyword searches from Canada, the UK,...
Today Wasn’t A Good Day to Fly

Today Wasn’t A Good Day to Fly

The first time I flew with Capt. Ron and a group of fearful flyers in our fear of flying class, I heard him say, “It’s okay if today isn’t a good day to fly.”  A strange statement from someone helping people to get on a plane rather than remain grounded in their fear,...
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