Jun 9, 2020 | Capt Rons Blog, Captain Eric's Blog
Captain Eric Larsen (ret) here, talking up some (post-)Covid-19 commercial aviation issues and news. If you are new to my blog column, you may not know that every Tuesday at 6:30pm Pacific, my friends Capt Ron, Dieter, and I have been talking about some of the airline...
Oct 21, 2010 | Capt Rons Blog
If you have a fear of flying, you’ll enjoy travel expert Pauline Frommer’s interview of Capt. Ron on 4/5/09 for syndicated radio station WOR’s The Travel Show. During the five-minute interview, Capt. Ron presents some interesting statistics about fear of flying. He...
Sep 27, 2010 | Capt Rons Blog
If’ you’re a fearful flyer (and it’s likely that you are considering you’re reading this post), which would you pick: Door #1, Having a Root Canal? or Door #2, Flying on an Airplane? If you picked the root canal, this is your lucky week! March 29 to April 4 is...
Aug 21, 2010 | Capt Rons Blog
Is your fear of flying getting better or worse? After the successful outcome of the Miracle on the Hudson Flight, I posted a poll on Fearless Flight.com to take the fear of flying “temperature” of site visitors. Presumably the visitors are fearful flyers. Since...
Jul 21, 2010 | Capt Rons Blog
People who are afraid to fly all have something in common, a fear of crashing. They ask: What’s my chance of dying? When I saw an article about fatality rates on the front page of today’s Arizona Republic, I thought of all our FearlessFlight.com visitors who worry...