Capt Ron’s Blog

Quick But Strange Fear of Flying Cure

Quick But Strange Fear of Flying Cure

People constantly ask us what’s the best way to get over their fear of flying.  We always tell them that ultimately “you gotta fly to get over it.” Well, one guy took that advice to heart..or rather to the air, over and over again.  Perhaps you heard of Mark Malkoff...

Fear of Flying… Real or Imagined?

Fear of Flying… Real or Imagined?

Of course fear of flying is real!  Listen to this email: I am going to Cancun for spring break this year. I have been on a plane about two other times but it seems the older I get the harder it is to fly. While I’m in the air I have major axiety and I just think of...

Planes and Fear of Flying the Hollywood Way

Planes and Fear of Flying the Hollywood Way

If you’re a fearful flyer, maybe you’ve had someone who didn’t find your fear of flying real or believable.  Maybe they thought you are making this often debilitating fear up. Like maybe all those tears and all that anxiety qualified you for an academy award or...

Volcanic Ash Shows Air Travel at Its Best and Worst

Volcanic Ash Shows Air Travel at Its Best and Worst

Takeoffs, turbulence, thunderstorms…fearful flyers worry about a lot of the same things. This week, Mother Nature delivered a new twist to the fear of flying worry list:  a volcano and volcanic ash from the eruption in Iceland. Exactly what is the big deal with this...

Fear of Flying or Fear of Landing

Fear of Flying or Fear of Landing

Fear of flying leads people to do strange things. Avoid flying. Drive for miles and miles. Take trains. Dread vacations and honeymoons. Hate turbulence. Bolt off a plane just before the door closes. But for a man in Scotland, his fear of flying was so bad, he could...

A Novel Way to Overcome Fear of Flying

A Novel Way to Overcome Fear of Flying

“Give me three double martinis!” science fiction novelist Ray Bradbury told Delta Airlines before he boarded a cross-country flight. Bradbury didn’t exactly have a novel way to board an airplane. Many use alcohol. But the alcohol gave him the courage to get on the...

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